Welcome to a new way to work. We don’t want to own your time or your talent.

We want to be in reciprocal relationship with your gifts.

A group of freelancers are seen in a circle all intending to liberate their communities through the production of education.

COYA Skills Exchange

These are the shared values of COYA freelancers


Delivering high quality educational services and deliverables intended to make a positive social and economic impact.


Following generally accepted standards of research ethics, including due consideration for OCAP principles (Occupation, Control, Access and Possession), and seek to always increase their knowledge through direct learning and unlearning opportunities.


Engaging with all persons in a respectful and considerate manner.


Honouring the spirit and intent of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report and Calls to Action and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).


We believe in the consequences of our actions and deliver the impact we promise.


Avoiding any situation that is a conflict of interest and to raise any issue that may present even the appearance of such a conflict.


Bringing to the attention of COYA Productions Inc. circumstances that may compromise any of the above commitments so that they may be promptly addressed.

Exchange your skills with us…

Elders and Wisdom Carriers are paid at the rate of $1500/hr

Indigenous, Queer, and BIPOC Smart Creatives are paid at the rate of $85/hr

Youth are paid at the rate of $25/hr


Resolving any professional disagreement in an amicable and constructive manner as soon as the situation arises.